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게시물 작성 테이블
작성자 Seunbi Kim 조회수 2014 등록일 2007-07-28
제목 The Doctrine of the Mean 中庸(32,33장)한문->English
第三十二章 唯天下至誠,為能經綸天下之大經,立天下之大本,知天地之化育。夫焉有所倚? Only that person who has utmost sincerity under Heaven can administer the great course of the world, establish the great root of the world, is able to understand the transformation and the nurturing of Heaven and Earth. Is there anything beyond himself on which he can rely? 肫肫其仁, 淵淵其淵, 浩浩其天。 茍不固聰明聖知達天德者,其孰能知之? So sincere is his jen (wise-benevolence); so unfathomable is his depth; so vast is his heavenly virtue. Who can know him, but one who is acute, bright, possessing the knowledge of the sage, and accomplished the heavenly virtue? 第三十三章 詩曰:「衣錦尚絅。」惡其文之著也。故君子之道,闇然而日章;小人之道,的然而日亡。君子之道,淡而不厭、簡而文、溫而理。知遠之近,知風之自,知微之顯。可與入德矣。 It is said in the Book of Poetry: Over her brocade gown She puts a plain single garment She hated to display the beautiful coloring of her finery. Just so, the way of the Superior Man seems to make his virtue obscure, yet it daily becomes more conspicuous, and the way of the petty man seems to be luminous, yet it is daily fading away. The Way of the Superior Man is plain, yet you never get sick of it; while seemingly simple, yet accomplished; while warm-hearted, yet reasoning-oriented. He knows the closeness of the distant. He knows where the wind comes from. He knows how what is minute becomes manifested. Together with such a person, one can enter into virtue. 詩云:「潛雖伏矣,亦孔之昭。」 故君子內省不疚,無惡於志。 君子之所不可及者,其唯人之所不見乎! The Book of Poetry says: Though (the fish) sink to the bottom (It is ) still clearly seen. Therefore, the Superior Man finds nothing wrong within himself by introspection and, hence, does not suffer the shame of his intentions. That thing that the Superior Man is unable to attain to is very the thing that the men cannot perceive. [군자가 미칠수 (도달할수) 없는 것은 사람들이 알수없는 바로 그것이다! (그것이 무었인가?)] 詩云:「相在爾室,尚不愧於屋漏。」 故君子不動而敬,不言而信。 The Book of Poetry says: Even if you were in your own private room, you should not do any thing which you would feel shame to do if your room were disclosed. Therefore, the Superior Man does not move, and yet is respected. He does not speak, and yet is trusted. 詩曰:「奏假無言,時靡有爭。」是故君子不賞而民勸,不怒而民威於鈇鉞。 (奏:進 假:感格) It is said in the Book of Poetry: When the offering is presented to the spirits, the people are deeply inspired in silence. There is not the slightest contention. Therefore, the Superior Man does not use rewards, yet the people are encouraged to virtue. He does not show anger, yet the people are awed more than by hatches and weapon-axes. 詩曰:「不顯惟德! 百辟其刑之。」 是故君子篤恭而天下平。 (百辟: 백명의 제후=모든 제후. 刑: 본받는다 ) It is said in the Book of Poetry: What needs no display is virtue. All the dukes imitates it. Therefore, the Superior Man, through his sincerity and courtesy, pacifies the whole world. 詩云:「予懷明德,不大聲以色。」 子曰:「聲色之於以化民,末也。」 The Book of Poetry says: I cherish the bright virtue Not big display in sounds and appearances. The Ultimate Master said, “In terms of transforming people, sounds and appearances are the last in effectiveness. 詩曰:「德輶如毛。」毛猶有倫。「上天之載,無聲無臭。」至矣。 (輶:輕) It is said in the Book of Poetry: Virtue is as light as a hair. Yet even a hair has its match as to its weight. The works of the Supreme Heaven have neither sound nor smell. The above saying is proper. -------------The End of the Doctrine of the Mean---------
첨부파일 등록된 첨부파일이 없습니다.
다음다음글 # The Doctrine of the Mean 中庸(27-31장)한문->English
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