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게시물 작성 테이블
작성자 Seunbi Kim 조회수 1740 등록일 2007-12-30
제목 Mencius 孟子(梁惠王 下: 9-12장)
梁惠王 下: 第九章 孟子見齊宣王曰:“為巨室,則必使工師求大木。工師得大木。則王喜,以為能勝其任也。匠人斲而小之, 則王怒,以為不勝其任矣。夫人幼而學之,壯而欲行之。王曰‘姑舍女所學而從我’,則何如?今有璞玉於此,雖萬鎰,必使玉人彫琢之。至於治國家,則曰 ‘姑舍女所學而從我’,則何以異於教玉人彫琢玉哉?” (斲:析木. 女:汝. 璞玉:돌속의 옥. 鎰:24兩을 1 鎰이라 부른다) Mencius, having an interview with the king Hsuan of Ch’i, said to him, “If you are going to build a large mansion, you will surely cause the Master of the workmen to look out for large trees, and when he has found such large trees, you will be glad, thinking that they will answer for the intended object. Should the workmen hew them so as to make them too small, then your Majesty will be angry, thinking that they will not answer for the purpose. Now, a man spends his youth in learning the principles of right government, and, growing to maturity, he wishes to put them in practice; if your Majesty says to him, ‘For the present put aside what you have learned, and follow me,’ what shall we say? Here now you have a gem unwrought, in the stone. Although it may cost 240,000 taels to cut and polish it, you will surely employ a lapidary to do it. But when you come to the government of the State, then you say, ‘For the present put aside what you have learned, and follow me.’ How is it that you herein act so differently from your conduct in calling in the lapidary to cut the gem?” 梁惠王 下: 第十章 齊人伐燕,勝之。宣王問曰:“或謂寡人勿取,或謂寡人取之。以萬乘之國伐萬乘之國,五旬而舉之,人力不至於此。不取,必有天殃。取之,何如?” The people of Ch’i attacked Yen, and won the war. The king Hsuan asked, saying, “Some tell me not to take possession of it for myself, and some tell me to take possession of it. For a kingdom of ten thousand chariots, attacking another of ten thousand chariots, to complete the conquest of it in fifty days, is an achievement beyond the power of men. If I do not take possession of it, calamities from Heaven will surely come upon me. What do you say to my taking possession of it?” 孟子對曰:“取之而燕民悅,則取之。古之人有行之者,武王是也。取之而燕民不悅,則勿取。古之人有行之者,文王是也。以萬乘之國伐萬乘之國,簞食壺漿,以迎王師。豈有他哉?避水火也。如水益深,如火益熱, 亦運而已矣。” Mencius replied, “If the people of Yen will be pleased with your taking possession of it, then do so. Among the ancients there was one who acted on this principle, namely king Wu. If the people of Yen will not be pleased with your taking possession of it, then do not do so. Among the ancients there was one who acted on this principle, namely king Wan. When, with all the strength of your country of ten thousand chariots, you attacked another country of ten thousand chariots, and the people brought baskets of rice and vessels of sauce-drink, to meet your Majesty's host, was there any other reason for this but that they hoped to escape out of fire and water? If you make the water more deep and the fire more fierce, they will in like manner leave their fate to another power.” 梁惠王 下: 第十一章 齊人伐燕,取之。諸侯將謀救燕。宣王曰:“諸侯多謀伐寡人者,何以待之?” The people of Ch’i, having smitten Yen, took possession of it, and upon this, the princes of the various States deliberated together, and resolved to deliver Yen from their power. The king Xuan said to Mencius, “Many princes plan to attack me - how shall I prepare myself for them?' 孟子對曰:“臣聞七十里為政於天下者,湯是也。未聞以千里畏人者也。 書曰:‘湯一征,自葛始。’天下信之。‘東面而征,西夷怨;南面而征,北狄怨。曰,奚為後我?’民望之,若大旱之望雲霓也。歸市者不止,耕者不變。誅其君而弔其民,若時雨降,民大悅。書曰:‘徯我后,后來其蘇。’ Mencius replied, “I have heard of one who with seventy li governed all under the heaven. That was Tang. I have never heard of a prince with a thousand li standing in fear of others. It is said in the Book of History, As soon as Tang began his work of executing justice, he commenced with Ge. All the people under the heaven had confidence in him. When he pursued his work in the east, the rude tribes on the west murmured. So did those on the north, when he was engaged in the south. Their cry was ‘Why does he put us last?’ Thus, the people looked to him, as we look in a time of great drought to the clouds and rainbows. The frequenters of the markets stopped not. The husbandmen made no change in their operations. Since he punished their rulers and consoled the people like the rain falling at the right time, the people were delighted. It is said again in the Book of History, ‘We have waited for our prince long; now the prince has come to revive us!’ “今燕虐其民,王往而征之。民以為將拯己於水火之中也,簞食壺漿,以迎王師。若殺其父兄,係累其子弟,毀其宗廟,遷其重器,如之何其可也?天下固畏齊之彊也。今又倍地而不行仁政,是動天下之兵也。王速出令,反其旄倪,止其重器,謀於燕眾,置君而後去之,則猶可及止也。” “Now the ruler of Yen was tyrannizing over his people, and your Majesty went and punished him. The people supposed that you were going to deliver them out of the water and the fire, and brought baskets of rice and vessels of congee, to meet your Majesty’s host. But you have slain their fathers and elder brothers, and tied their sons and younger brothers in arrest. You have pulled down the ancestral temple of the State, and are removing (to Ch’I) its precious vessels. How can such a course be deemed proper? The rest of the kingdom is indeed jealously afraid of the strength of Ch’i; and now, when with a doubled territory you do not put in practice a benevolent government - it is this which sets the arms of the kingdom in in motion. If your Majesty will make haste to issue an ordinance, having your captives, old and young, return to their homes, stopping the removal of the precious vessels, and consulting with the people of Yen to place a ruler, and withdraw from the country - in this way you may still be able to stop the threatened attack.” 梁惠王 下: 第十二章 鄒與魯鬨。穆公問曰:“吾有司死者三十三人,而民莫之死也。誅之,則不可勝誅;不誅,則疾視其長上之死而不救,如之何則可也?” (穆公:鄒穆公. There had been a brush between Tsau and Lu, when the duke Mu asked Mencius, saying, “Of my officers there were killed thirty-three men, and none of the people would die in their defense. Though I intend to sentence them to death for their conduct, it is impossible to put such a multitude to death. If I do not put them to death, then the people will look the death of their officers with anger and will not save them. What measures can be appropriate for this situation?” 孟子對曰:“凶年饑歲,君之民老弱轉乎溝壑,壯者散而之四方者,幾千人矣;而君之倉廩實,府庫充,有司莫以告,是上慢而殘下也。曾子曰:‘戒之戒之!出乎爾者,反乎爾者也。’ 夫民今而後得反之也。君無尤焉。君行仁政,斯民親其上、死其長矣。” Mencius replied, “In calamitous years and years of famine, the old and weak of your people, who have been found lying in the ditches and water-channels, and the able-bodied who have been scattered about to the four quarters, have amounted to several thousands. All the while, your granaries, Oh prince, have been stored with grain, and your treasuries and arsenals have been full, none of your officers has told you of the distress. Thus, your officers have been negligent to the superiors, and cruel to their inferiors. The master, Zhang, said, ‘Beware, beware. What proceeds from you, will return to you again.’ Now at length the people have paid back the conduct of their officers to them. Do not you, Oh prince, blame them. If you will put in practice a benevolent government, this people will love their superiors and will die for their officers.”
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